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MEDIA - 5.000

Thank you to all of you who wanted to be part of this project. The fact that God has put in your heart the desire to support this Media Project is an encouragement to us, and a confirmation that God is calling us to continue reaching many people through broadcasting our church online. Everything you will see from now on in the online environment is also due to your support.


We want to respond to your support with a gesture of appreciation:

- We will send you a thank you card and a special gift ‘Media- 5000’.

- We will put your name on a special wall in the main hall of the new church building where we will have all the names of those who donated to support this construction project.

-We would like to invite you to be present to our opening ceremony of the church. We will support your travel and accommodation costs (travel only in Europe). In case you will not be available to come to the opening of the new building, we would like to offer you the possibility to attend any of the following events organised by our church: Easter Concert; Youth Camp; Men’s Camp; Women’s Camp; or the 2021 Christmas Concert (all this within Covid-19 restrictions).


Thank you for your generosity!

MEDIA - 5.000

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    Betania Church Dublin | Powerstown Road, Dublin 15, D15V0YK | CHY: 22434 RCN: 20204497 | Data Protection Policy

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