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Your donation will be traded through the most secure online payment service - PayPal.

Thank you in advance for your donation regardless of the amount you have contributed with.

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The construction of the new Church building is a wonderful project that started through faith and based on the voluntary sacrifice of the members of our community. We believe that it is our debt at first to give as much as we can but this project is past our financial power to complete this on our own, while at the same time not past God’s power and that’s why we know that He will assure us of the resources we need until the very end!


If you want to be used by God as a blessing for us, and want to take the opportunity to be a part of this construction project, you can get involved by donating through Paypal by clicking the button above, through a bank transfer or the church’s website platform.


Account name: Betania Limited, Account number: 69539557,

IBAN: IE27 BOFI 9000 3369 5395 57,  BIC: BOFIIE2D,

Bank of Ireland: O’Connell Street, Dublin 1, Ireland

Thank you for your financial support ! May God bless you !

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