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English services: Sunday 10:00 LIVE  | Romanian Services: Friday 20:00; Sunday 18:00 LIVE

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about us

We are delighted to present to you Betania Church in a few words: We are a Christian community that loves and serves all people with great passion. We don’t have anything special, as all we have is received from God, who taught us how to love others through His example.


We strive to be a relevant church to all ages, to the youth, to our children and to our parents. We realise that we can worship and be joyful together only through the unity of Christ, that lives in us. We focus and invest in today’s generation as they will become the leaders of tomorrow. Christ is in the centre of everything we do.


We are passionate about God’s word because we want to know Him more.

We love to pray as we depend on God’s grace.

We put Christ in the centre of our worship because everything is about Him.


We see the benefits of small groups and we invest in them because through them we see an opportunity to build relationships within the church and support people through their different journeys. Through these small groups we succeeded in becoming a large and a small church at the same time.


Our mandate never changes, not even in times of crisis: and that is making Christ known to all people. Jesus is God’s solution for each person, no matter who they are and what they have done.

Sunset Skies

Feed Dublin

“Our City, Our People”
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Feed Dublin is an volunteer led initiative of the Bethany Church, a ministry that deals with meeting the needs of families who have difficulty in providing food, as well as homeless people in the Dublin city area.  

New things…the last thing that we expected was for Covid 19 pandemic to spread worldwide, but God told us that he will make new things. In order for God to make a way through the wilderness, we first needed to see the emptiness that we were in… For Him to pour rivers of living water, we needed to be aware of our dryness. No, God did not create this virus, but rather it is a consequence of human decline. God was not taken by surprise or dethroned by this virus. He remains the same loving Father for all His children!

However, this virus is a tool in God’s hands through which He prepares His Church for the revival that will follow. 

This period is meant to help us set our minds on things above not on earthly things and to reconnect with God. Yes, He will make new things, they are ready to happen, and our eyes will rejoice at the sight of them. People all over the earth will turn to God, nations will know His ways.

Church, prepare for this! Rise and shine! Shine like the city on top of the mountain that cannot stay hidden anymore! (Radu D.)


Feel free to contact our Pastors Team

Contact Us


Powerstown Road, Dublin 15, Ireland; D15V0YK



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Betania Church Dublin | Powerstown Road, Dublin 15, D15V0YK | CHY: 22434 RCN: 20204497 | Data Protection Policy

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